This is the spot where Paul and Laura Cooley are sharing quips, queries, quibblings, quirks, and quantifications of their daily lives. To the title: Zee or Zed? The quandary continues to this a most complicated and highly controversial argument that Laura and Paul have had over the pronunciation of the letter 'Z'. It may summarize our daily cross-cultural lives as an American and a Canadian share all that matters, and several things that don't matter, with each other.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Week 21 - First Christmas
Nathan got his first taste of solid food, if you can say that rice cereal has a taste. He pushed out more than he ate and did even worse the second time around.
Grandma and Grandpa Cooley are coming today to spend the long holiday weekend with us. Nathan has not seen them since he was 2 weeks. Boy has he changed from back then.
Happy New Year to all.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Week 20
Laura and Paul got to go to Imprev's Christmas Party at the Bellevue Club. While we were there Joyce and Arvid got some time with Nathan. I think they were teaching him to roll over, because the next night he rolled over in his crib a couple of times. He doesn't seem to retain the knowledge for very long however.
Another fun event was the Christmas get together for Laura's parent-child class. Paul got to swing by and see what that little world was like for 30 minutes. Definitely some talking about babies goes on there.
Joyce, Nathan, and Laura took Wednesday to go and shop. Nathan came home with some clothes that he can now fit into, at least for the time being.
With all that said, We wish everyone out there a Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Week 19
Sunday - Walk at the botanical garden to view the spectacular lights.
Monday - Swimming
Tuesday - Parent Baby Class. Diagnosis for Laura's sore middle back (since labor); prognosis 'popped-out-rib'. Solution: Physical Therapist returned it to correct location. Currently hurts worse than before, but is healing.
Wednesday - Make cookies for cookie exchange group. Lunch at Molbacks with Laura and Zoe. Up twice in the night.
Thursday - Lunch with the old work crowd and shopping at Bellevue Square. Great sleep night from 7pm until 3:30am. Paul is finally over his cold.
Friday - Cookie exchange group at our house.
Mom is ready for the weekend!!
Plus a couple just in from the week before:
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Week 18
We had some visitors from Canada for dinner during the week. Shawn and Julie got Nathan a Cars dish set that will be fun to use once he starts solids.
Nathan has pretty much grown out of most of his 3-6month clothes at this point he is wearing the 6-12 month stuff. Mom needs to do some shopping or he will be sporting the bare look this winter.
I know 2 weeks ago I said Nathan would be rolling over by now but no he still is stuck on his back or front. He is very good with his hand to mouth coordination. He will hold on to his fish teether for a really long time. He isn't wanting his plug, sucker, soother, mute button, pacifier much these days, instead he likes to scream when you put him in his crib for bed. I am hopping it is just the cold/shots that has made him into this grumpy child.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Week 17
And for a little fun here is a funny part of the Shrek Christmas special - Shrek the Halls:
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Week 16 - Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Irratable Child Found Feet
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Week 15
Nathan will have some cousins from Kenya... Check out here for the news flash:
Monday, November 12, 2007
Friday, November 09, 2007
Week 14
Let see.... what else is going on. Nathan has all kinds of new sounds. He seems to like to "talk" when he has his hands in his mouth. This week he has spent a great deal of time with his hands together in front of his face.
Additionally, we had a great weekend last weekend spent with Jason and Kirstin -- spent it at the Tellevik's cabin. They got to meet the little guy for the first time and it was obvious that everyone got along great and there was lots of love to share! We will have to do that again. Board Games, Scrapbooking, puppies, Xbox, and food galore.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Sleep anomaly
There was a strange sleep anomaly last night in our house. I woke up at 1AM and it was quiet. I woke up at 2AM and it was quiet. I woke up at 3am and I heard a little one sucking his thumb. Since I was up I fed Nathan after 8 hours of sleep. 7PM until 3AM. Then he slept until 7AM. Got to love that guy. Just for reference he broke his record of 6 hours, he has done that twice in the past 2 weeks. So I am feeling pretty good with my 5 hours of sleep in a row.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Zoe and Nathan's First Swimming Lesson
Friday, November 02, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Week 12
This week Nathan became a champion hand sucker. He can suck his thumb too but he is not quite as good at that yet. I am completely fascinated by this for some reason. You can see him think about it and then move his hand. Wow so smart I think to myself. So far he does not seem to favor one hand over the other. At first I thought it was all right handed sucking but now it seems to be more left handed. My parents are hoping for a left handed child. My mom because she is left handed, my dad because he would be a more valuable baseball pitcher. I just want him to be able to use the right handed scissors in school.
This week I was also thinking to myself that he is generally happier, less fussing and crying. Well it figures on Friday I was at my wits end by 5pm. He didn't take any significant naps and was so crabby all day. He did have another 5 hour sleep last night so that made up for the long day.
Last weekend we visited the fruit market by our house and got a couple of pumpkins. I did a product focus group this week for a bottle/pump company. They have some neat product ideas that I can't share. Nathan and I also went to a playgroup in Redmond.
Next weekend we get to visit with the Jason and Kirsten at my parents cabin.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Week 11
By Laura Just wanted to add a few things. Nathan is getting over his love of black and white objects and is starting to like colors. He is tasting his stuffed dog a lot and has started to grab objects and bring the towards his mouth to lick. Nathan has had one more 5 hour stretch of sleep this week. He has also decided that he likes to be held outwards so he can see the world. Swinging is also lots of fun in his swing. Eating has been a challenge for the past few weeks. He gets so unhappy if he has to burp or if the milk isn't flowing fast. Other than that he has been sleeping more and is generally much happier during the day. Bed time is getting earlier.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Week 10
Nathan also rolled over from tummy to back on a hard surface for the first time. He has done that many times on the bed since he was 3 weeks old.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Did the stars align?
Did the stars align? Was there a full moon? Did someone cast a spell on my little bundle of joy? Write this down in the records books... Are you ready for my big news. Nathan slept for 5 Hours in a row.... Did you get that... 5 Hours in a row. It could even be 5.5 hours because I didn't count the light sleep that he got when he was still making noise in his crib. So after he woke up ate he slept for another 3. 5 hours in a row. This is short of a small miracle for mom. Just so you know he broke his record of 4 hours. Mom only got 4 hours of sleep in a row but that is because Nathan went down around 9pm. The downside to all this sleep is Nathan wakes up as a hungry little screaming monster that is unrecognizable as my sweet little son. I will take sleep over a happy baby at 2am.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Week 9
I almost forgot. Nathan has a new friend in town. Zoe came all the way from Calgary to spend 3 months in Redmond with her mom and dad. Zoe is 12 weeks old and is super cute.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Week 8
This week I am starting to copy mom. I can say "ohhhhh" and "ahhhhh" so well. I am even better at holding my head. I actually like alone time where I can just look at the pictures or play gym.
Most of the time I am happy during the day and fussy before bed. Just like to keep mom and dad up. I still only like to sleep 2 or 3 hours at a time. Sometimes I like to wake mom up every 1.5 hours. I really just get so hungry and lonely in my crib. Check out my pictures. Mom didn't get to take as many because she forgot the camera at Nana's house.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Week 7 - II
Paul & Laura
Friday, September 21, 2007
Week 7
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Week 6
Nathan is still growing, my guess is he is almost 12lbs now. We will find out on Monday when he goes in for his checkup. He is fitting in his 3-6 month clothes now and has out grown a bunch of his newborn sizes. Nathan is starting to watch everything around him. He is very fond of black and white objects. His grunts are turning into coo'ing sounds now and he can hold his head pretty well on his own. Last night he slept for a record 3.5 hours in a row. Followed by some not so great sleep. Well the goal of keeping Nathan alive for another week was successful. On to next week.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Week 5
Following that it was a bit too much activity with a couple of related problems with our fridge. Having things thaw when you don't want them to is no fun.
Nathan is keeping up with a 2 hour sleeping pattern in the nights. He has a significant number of smiles, mostly in the morning. He is fussiest in the evening. Laura heard him say: ahh.
Mommy and Daddy are sleepy, ZZzzz. Goodnight.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Week 4
He still is not sleeping for long stretches. His record is 3 hours but normally it is more like 2 hours and 20 mins. I have started to go to a Parent/Child class on Tuesdays. It was quite fun last week and plan on going weekly. 20 babies in one room that are 0-3 months. It gives you a chance to ask questions. Today we went to Costco and had a nice trip to visit Paul at work. Tonight we are going out to dinner.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Week 3
Nathan is tipping the scales at almost 10 pounds (as of 30 minutes ago). He is eating up a storm. Constantly keeping Laura busy. Laura is doing amazing work and I think Nathan is really starting to appreciate it.
It was this week that Paul went back to work and tapping his nose to the grindstone. However, he is well aware that it is more work to be at home. He spends some time at work hoping that Laura and Nathan are getting enough rest and there aren't too many explosive diapers during the day.
With a little planning and determination we made it to church this morning. However, there wasn't that much listening to the message for Laura as in that 30 minutes Nathan wanted to eat and managed to make 2 dirty diapers while taking in food. Paul was apprehensive to go/look into the nursing room, out of respect for the other nursing mother and felt bad Laura got the short end of that stick. Next time I guess I have to nurse? :O
Observations: Nathan is more alert and aware of the world around him, there are some happy/relaxed times with Nathan, and he appears to recognize some faces and voices
Monday, August 20, 2007
Week 2
Observations: There are good days and bad days. Tasks at home, become, more, interrupted. Your own baby is certainly the cutest.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Week 1
With the exception of bouts of struggling to calm a crying and fussy baby all is going well. Laura has the bulk of the work and she is of course doing an amazing job as I knew she would. I am attempting to serve her, give her some alone time, and allow her to sleep as much as possible.
Grandma and Grandpa Cooley have gotten to see Nathan via a couple of Web conferences. They will be able to see him in person early next week. Grandma and Grandpa Tellevik have been by several times to observe Nathan in his 'sleep' state so they haven't yet seen his eyes. Aunt Karen and Uncle Ian have been by to see Nathan as well. Indeed he is being welcomed into the family and the Cooley's are feeling the love and support on that front.
Our biggest adventure has been a trip to the Dr. for a checkup followed by a stop off at Target to compliment some of our existing supplies. This new mom and dad are figuring out what we 'really' need; aside from coffee (for Paul) that is. Our parental observation, leaving the house when you have a child is approximately 4 times as much work as before. Plus there is a nervousness around the next time the little "time-bomb" may go off - you can delay the fuse a bit with some soothing rocking, but it will still eventually burn down. :-)
Another Movie:
Another Slideshow:
Monday, August 06, 2007
The early days
Mommy Cooley is doing a fantastic job with our little boy. It is hard to express the inequality of the workload at this point. Not only does she need to recover from Labor and delivery, but she is the food source for our boy. She is so strong, patient, loving, and kind. She is doing fabulously.
Baby Cooley is in one of four states: eating, sleeping, looking around, or crying. We are learning how to handle these states, but there is much more to be educated on.
A video:
A slideshow:
Friday, August 03, 2007
Ready or Not here I come
Born Aug 3rd 2007 at 5:13 PDT
7 pounds 14 ounces
one Nathan Charles Cooley
Already he is a star in our minds:

And a very happy 0th birthday to Nathan:

And in the flesh:

Cute as a button and perfect as can be. Us parents are beaming now!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Zoom Zoom

The Audio:
Introducing my new used 5-door car, 2006 Mazda3 hatchback. I once told Paul we would never buy a Mazda due to the fact he says it like he lives in Britain. This is one thing that makes me laugh when he talks. Java, pasta, lava, drama are other that come up that he uses an a in apple sound. pah-stuh (US) vs. pas-tuh (CND). Now if I could just get him to start saying "eh?" again. Anyway my new car is fun but I will miss my 2-door Honda Civic.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
On 07/07/07 two friends and I celebrated the day with a mountain bike ride up a mountain near Lake Cavanaugh. Sure the satellite images make it look flat, but there is a couple of climbs in there, if you read the elevation profile: Elevation Profile link
The tracks:
Link to the Innersource mapping project
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Squirrles make a run for it.
Well we have enjoyed a year of having a wooded backyard. Where the squirrels like to run on the fence highway. That is quickly coming to a end. The property behind our hose has been sold and the squirrels will need to pack their bags and leave. We finally had gotten some quiet days now that the Brightwater project has left our road but now the bulldozers are out back making room for another 4-5 houses per acer.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
One thing to note, is the precision of when things will get back to normal. Check out the sign that is posted in front of the construction, they are accurate to the hour. They have 7 days and 21.5 hours to finish up.

Friday, June 08, 2007
BC - 31Weeks 6 Days

Things are going well at the Cooley house. BC is growing way too fast and has started to sit on my bladder and kick my ribs. I think he is doing the splits or some new dance in there. I have a hard time believing that my stomach is going to be able to stretch anymore. I have started my every 2 week checkups. So far we are both doing well. Notably that BC is moving lots, my blood pressure has only gone up a bit and I don’t think I have gained too much. 22 or 23 pounds so far and I have 8 weeks to go. Doctor said the baby will be here by the Aug 9th if I would like. So if he is not here by the 4th we will induce on the 8th or 9th. 8/8/07 would be a good birthday. In fact so would 8/9/07. So far he is the perfect baby, no crying, no dirty diapers and fun to play with. I might start to miss that soon.
Two very giving coworkers are hosting a co-ed baby shower at our house on the June 23rd. Feel free to come if you know where we live. I can’t wait to see all our friends and relatives and I am happy to know a few are traveling down from
To do:
Buy and Install CarSeat
Make at least 3 dishes for freezer
Get a used 4-door car (maybe)
Have baby shower
Attend Labor and Deliver Class
Thank you cards for shower
Address list printed for announcements
Phone list for hospital
Do work FMLA Paperwork
Wash baby clothes
Shop for supplies for baby
Pack bag Daddy
Pack bag Baby
Pack Bag Mommy
Have baby
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Cathy's Wedding (Where)
A link to the Google Map showing Kananaskis, AB
Our GPS tracks while in Alberta:
Link to this Map: Trip To Cathy's Wedding
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Columbia Bible College Photos(1995-1996)-Part 2
The below is a slideshow of the Photos that my camera took at Columbia Bible College (Abbotsford, BC) in the Fall semester 1995 and the Winter semester 1996.
Link to CBC 1995 - 1996 Picasa Web Album
Columbia Bible College Photos(1994-1995)-Part 1
The below is a slideshow of the Photos that my camera took at Columbia Bible College (Abbotsford, BC) in the Fall semester 1994 and the Winter semester 1995.
Link to the CBC 1994 - 1995 Picasa Web Album
A view into Baby Cooley's home
Sunday, May 13, 2007
After hours of sweat, pain and failure the nursery is almost done. First the yellow was too green and neon in color. So one wall had to be primed and repainted. The lines between on the boarder were not up to my standards. Paul had to make runs to home depot for more paint. Mom made the skirt and valence. I spilled blue paint on the carpet and had to give the carpet a hair cut. The frames do not match exactly and I think I want to still paint them the same blue as the stars. I put the stars on with a stencil I made after the stamp I made did not work. Now I am worried I hung a giant cat toy above the crib. That makes me wonder what are the dangers of a cat sleeping in the crib with a baby? The next step is to find
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Camcorder, Kona, and Comox
Kona -- Mini-Tiger
Comox's Big Adventure:
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Thursday, April 19, 2007

Our roads leading to our house have been consumed by people walking around in orange vests and large noisy machinery. This includes the house shaking during the day due to all the drilling/pounding they do. This has been going since January and will not end until early summer. They call the project the “Brightwater” project. They are putting in a main sewer line on a road leading to our house and the road now resembles something that looks like a war zone. On the plus side traffic on this road is local access only now. This is so much better during rush hour as people use the road as a way to get around traffic on 522. The down side is we can only leave and come from one direction at any given day. That and the sewer backed up into someone’s house a few weeks ago. That poor family.
King County's Website on BrightwaterMonday, April 09, 2007
BC the Hopper

BC had a great Easter. He was busy practicing his hopping around for next year when he will be free to crawl around. He has been moving more and more all weekend.
BC is now a star on a limited addition DVD. He is the feature of the documentary "Week 21 in the Womb" Filmed by the Internal Fetal Medicine of Evergreen hospital. Transferred to DVD and music added by film editor Paul Cooley. Some of my internal organs play a role in the film but they are only there for the support of the star.
I am 23 weeks and 2 days today. I have 117 days until my due date. I have gained about 13 lbs give or take. No major symptoms to complain about. I need to stop bending over after I eat. That is a bit unpleasant. On Friday it was over 70 degrees outside. It was so nice to sit in the sun for a bit. I need to get some shorts that fit because I feel silly wearing Paul’s shorts out of the house.
I have ordered some stuff for the nursery. An airplane mobile and some airplane posters that I will have framed. I hope they get here soon so I can start to pick out some paint and fabric for the nursery. Oh and I need a rocker/glider. Not sure on a color for that. I am thinking navy blue, white, yellow and a bit of red for the colors.
Monday, March 26, 2007
BC update
Personally I am doing great, I got the go ahead to take my Flonase for my allergies and I am pretty much always hungry. I get a bit winded if I run up the stairs. It does turn out that I have a fibroid that is attached to my uterus. It is up high and probably has always been there. I guess if there was more of them then it would be cause for concern that they would be taking blood and other things away from the placenta. So the baby would get less blood and good things it needs. Just one doesn't sound like a big deal. I go back in 6 weeks for one more ultrasound to check to make sure it is not growing.
We got todays ultrasound on VHS but we don't own a VHS player. So we might need to find a way to transfer it to be digital. Seems strange this high tech ultrasound machine that can measure and view all parts of a baby can only make VHS tapes. This logic is beyond me.
I am getting larger every day. Have to say I will be pretty big by the end of this. I have gained about 10-11 lbs so far and still have 17-22 weeks to go. The pounds have started to accumulate faster in the past couple weeks.
That is it for the BC update.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Of course the next thing you need is a view of our boy. I personally have found ultrasounds hard to visualize, but when it is your own it is much easier. Must be the context of having 20 minutes of watching your own boy move around? Here they are ...
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Jackson Geocaching Scavenger Hunt
With Laura's suggestion we googled and found a way to share our GPS tracks with you the internet world on
Monday, February 19, 2007
One such anecdote is about our little kitten Comox. It turns out he is defective. But I won't have you call him defective, I mean it in as loving way as possible. His poor little problem is that apparently he wasn't born with all his hairs attached to muscles, the muscles that allow a cat to stand all its hair up. He only has muscles to control a line of hair down his spine.
This means that when he becomes frightened he has a line of hair that stands up, a mohawk really. Or as we affectionately call it a Cohawk. It is a treat to see these days as it is a bit funny.
Now that I think of it, it probably isn't a defect. He probably has exacting control over each of his hairs and he decided to make a Cohawk?
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
BC Project
I had a checkup today. Heartbeat is good, sounds like this. Blood pressure is good, urine is good, and my weight is up 2 lbs from my first visit 5 weeks ago. I did learn some interesting things today. My blood type is A negative. I guess this negative can be a problem if the baby ends up with a positive blood type. So I might get a shot of Rho (D) immune globulin (RhoGAM) after the baby is born or/and if I have any bleeding during my pregnancy. Doesn’t seem like a big deal just something I need to be aware of. I have another appointment in 4 or 5 weeks where we will do an ultrasound and maybe find out the sex of the baby. I think it will be a boy but I could be wrong.
On another note my mom broke her pelvis bone and is having a hard time with pain and moving. She can hardly move. Paul and I are bringing dinner over to my parent’s house tonight. I am hoping I can trade help for her recovery now for help with the baby when it comes.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
ill on the weekend
Anyways that tangent completed, on to my being sick. My wife was extra kind and took care of me while I went from being too hot to too cold and back again. All with a little less patience and energy than normal. What a sweetheart she is. Kudos to her. Love that woman! And on top of all that she is pregnant and not feeling as energetic as before. I hope I didn't bring her a fever.
The other negative to this is it is basically a wasted weekend where nothing fun really happened and we didn't go anywhere. I wrecked it for the both of us. I'll need to remember to make up for that. Valentines day is around the corner isn't it?
Monday, January 22, 2007
We are pregnant.
Due date is August 4th. Not sure when people started to say "we are pregnant" but it happened at one point in history. Does that mean that Paul gets more credit for all the work my body is doing at this point? Well he should get credit because for the past 8 weeks he has been doing more work around the house, cleaning the litter box, more dishes, more grocery shopping, more cooking, and giving me more back rubs than normal. I have been having morning sickness that doesn’t happen until the afternoon. I have figured out how to manage it so business trips have been event free. There was about 4 weeks of figuring it all out. Laura’s rules of pregnancy:
1. Don’t take the prenatal vitamin even on a full stomach. (3 Flintstone vitamins are fine and have my daily supply of folic acid).
2. Don’t brush your teeth if you are feeling sick to your stomach. This is a sure fire way to get a kick start on morning sickness.
3. Eat every 2.5 hours even if you feel sick or not hungry or if nothing sounds good.
If these rules are followed then morning sickness seems to be avoided. Then that leaves me with fatigue. I spent week 6-9 taking 2 hour naps during the day and not sleeping at night. I have since cut out most naps and I am sleeping somewhat better at night.
I am able to put this in my blog now because my coworkers now know about my pregnancy. It is fun to see how different people react to my news. Women are excited and offer up free things like cribs. Men are worried about me. Sit here, how are you feeling, don’t listen to that pregnancy story, do you need something to drink. The advice has started and lots of questions. Do you crave anything? My answer includes, I hate brushing my teeth, I hate my prenatal vitamin and nothing ever sounds good to eat. I make my husband pick something and then I will eat it. Fruit is on my number one list of things to eat. Chocolate moved to the bottom of the list but is starting to sound good again.
On Friday I will start my second trimester. Everyone says this is the easiest one. I am happy for that. Right now I have ordered some maternity clothes on ebay. I got 2 pair of jeans. They are way too big all around, maybe they will work in the 9th month. I need to order the small size from now on. I guess for now I will do the elastic band trick in my jeans that are just a tad to tight. So far my dress pants still fit.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
More snow.
Oh and the Seahawks lost. Oh well, there is always next year.
On another note we are getting new kitchen counter tops. So we are with out counter tops, a kitchen sink and dishwasher right now. They should be installed when I get back from San Fran on Friday. Washing dishes in the bathroom is just not right.