Nathan "I am confused"
Me "Oh really"
Alex "I am confused too"
Me "I am confused too, Daddy are you confused?"
Paul doesn't not answer.
Nathan "Daddy, Mommy is asking you something!"
This is the spot where Paul and Laura Cooley are sharing quips, queries, quibblings, quirks, and quantifications of their daily lives. To the title: Zee or Zed? The quandary continues to this a most complicated and highly controversial argument that Laura and Paul have had over the pronunciation of the letter 'Z'. It may summarize our daily cross-cultural lives as an American and a Canadian share all that matters, and several things that don't matter, with each other.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Nathan Quotes
Nathan Age 4. Paul brings home the rental car after a minor fender bender. "It's a Chevy!!!" He was so excited. I think we will laugh about this again.
Friday, October 07, 2011
Alex learns letters age 2
I write the letter he answers
A - me
P - D
N - Nathan
O - Apple
Q - Orange
F - E
L - no and then erases it
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A - me
P - D
N - Nathan
O - Apple
Q - Orange
F - E
L - no and then erases it
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Monday, September 26, 2011
Alex is 2
Alex is 2 and his favorite word is too. Boat too, jump too, banana too, boots too... Usually it is whatever big brother has requested. Second favorite word is me.
So tonight I ask my 2 year old what song he would like. Normal answer is mostly "no song". Or sometimes "row row row". With his normal whole body shake for the answer "yes". Tonight he said "woofy". I say to him "I don't know the woof song, how does it go?". He starts singing "woof, woof, woof". So I joined in.

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So tonight I ask my 2 year old what song he would like. Normal answer is mostly "no song". Or sometimes "row row row". With his normal whole body shake for the answer "yes". Tonight he said "woofy". I say to him "I don't know the woof song, how does it go?". He starts singing "woof, woof, woof". So I joined in.

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Monday, February 21, 2011
Alex 17 month old trip to the ER
Not sure if you are keeping track but Nathan has been to the ER twice and Alex has been 3 times. Please do let them make it a contest as I am learning to hate going there.
Alex's latest trip was for croup. I noticed the croup cough on Saturday and it only got worse from there. Sunday we went outside in the morning and had a nice time at the park. I think the cold air did him good. Well then he went down for a nap early and woke up struggling to get air in. I called the nurse hotline that said it sounded like stridor so we called 911. They came out and Alex had gotten better by the time they got there. They said to take him to a doctor but wasn't an emergency. We stopped by the local urgent care and pretty much sent me to Children's with in minutes of walking in the door. Children's was great as always. Got us in to see the triage nurse and in a room quickly. Alex hates getting his blood oxygen levels taken and blood pressure. We got into a room quickly and they gave him the breathing treatment. Wish I would have seen what his O2 levels were but after the breathing treatment they were back to 100% when it was done and 97% after a hour. We had to stay in our 12x12 room for 3 hours for monitoring. The first hour was easy as Alex was exhausted from the day. We watched Wally. The second hour wasn't too bad as I had grabbed a ball from the car before we went in. We tossed that around, played iphone and drew on the white board for the second hour. The third hour was hard. Alex hadn't eaten since 11am it was now 5. We got some water and I should have asked for some crackers for Alex. He was done being locked in the room was banging on the door window to get out. Paul showed up with food at 5:30 and we all had a picnic on the bed while they took Alex's stats. He was fine and we were going home at 6.
Two things I learned. Even if you are told it isn't an emergency by a paramedic go with your gut feeling, you know your child. Second bri

ng food, water and toys to the ER as you might have a long wait.
Alex's latest trip was for croup. I noticed the croup cough on Saturday and it only got worse from there. Sunday we went outside in the morning and had a nice time at the park. I think the cold air did him good. Well then he went down for a nap early and woke up struggling to get air in. I called the nurse hotline that said it sounded like stridor so we called 911. They came out and Alex had gotten better by the time they got there. They said to take him to a doctor but wasn't an emergency. We stopped by the local urgent care and pretty much sent me to Children's with in minutes of walking in the door. Children's was great as always. Got us in to see the triage nurse and in a room quickly. Alex hates getting his blood oxygen levels taken and blood pressure. We got into a room quickly and they gave him the breathing treatment. Wish I would have seen what his O2 levels were but after the breathing treatment they were back to 100% when it was done and 97% after a hour. We had to stay in our 12x12 room for 3 hours for monitoring. The first hour was easy as Alex was exhausted from the day. We watched Wally. The second hour wasn't too bad as I had grabbed a ball from the car before we went in. We tossed that around, played iphone and drew on the white board for the second hour. The third hour was hard. Alex hadn't eaten since 11am it was now 5. We got some water and I should have asked for some crackers for Alex. He was done being locked in the room was banging on the door window to get out. Paul showed up with food at 5:30 and we all had a picnic on the bed while they took Alex's stats. He was fine and we were going home at 6.
Two things I learned. Even if you are told it isn't an emergency by a paramedic go with your gut feeling, you know your child. Second bri

ng food, water and toys to the ER as you might have a long wait.
Alex 16 months Nathan 3.5
Alex is growing and growing and I hate to say it but he is a toddler and not a baby anymore. He is picking up new words every day and climbing on everything. He has been doing all of that for months. He loves art at toddler group. One thing Nathan never showed interest in at all.
Alex eats but not much. He doesn't like avocado or most slimy things. He is another carbohydrate lover like his brother. He will eat a huge pile of slightly overcook broccoli. Loves chicken, rice and most any fruit. Both my boys are not a potato fans but they will eat sweet potato oven fries.
Another thing we learned in the past month has he looks exactly like his dad did when he was this age.
Favorite thing Alex says.
There it is
This is this
I want it
I need this
Da (only when looking at a picture of Paul)
Ma (only when looking at a picture of Laura).
Alex signs:
thank you
night night
Nathan is a joy and refreshing how easy going he his. Now that he is getting about 20 more minutes of sleep a night he laughs all day long. He cares so much about his friends and loves to meet new people at the playground. He hasn't given up on his love for his balance bike and love playing with his Disney Cars cars.
Nathan has known all his letter sounds since the start of winter. He has a love for letters and words. He is starting to recognize all the names in his class and other words like cat, no and yes.
Alex eats but not much. He doesn't like avocado or most slimy things. He is another carbohydrate lover like his brother. He will eat a huge pile of slightly overcook broccoli. Loves chicken, rice and most any fruit. Both my boys are not a potato fans but they will eat sweet potato oven fries.
Another thing we learned in the past month has he looks exactly like his dad did when he was this age.
Favorite thing Alex says.
There it is
This is this
I want it
I need this
Da (only when looking at a picture of Paul)
Ma (only when looking at a picture of Laura).
Alex signs:
thank you
night night
Nathan is a joy and refreshing how easy going he his. Now that he is getting about 20 more minutes of sleep a night he laughs all day long. He cares so much about his friends and loves to meet new people at the playground. He hasn't given up on his love for his balance bike and love playing with his Disney Cars cars.
Nathan has known all his letter sounds since the start of winter. He has a love for letters and words. He is starting to recognize all the names in his class and other words like cat, no and yes.
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